ESTIEM is the organisation for European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management, who combine technological understanding with management skills. Our goal is to establish and foster relations between students.
European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management
A network with a reach of 60.000 IEM students
Founded back in 1990, ESTIEM was established to connect IEM students all over Europe and provide them a unique platform. Nowadays ESTIEM is a strong network represented by 80 Local Groups from Ankara to Stockholm. All these independently-functioning local student associations organise Europe-wide and local activities, and represent ESTIEM in their universities.

Got any Questions?

Your contact
Nikola Phillip
Estiem Local Responsible
T +49 1525 6845876
- Council Meeting
- Vision
- Europe3D
- BrainTrainer
- Summer Academy
- Academic Days
- businessbooster
- ESTIEM Magazine
- Language Programme
Council Meeting
The Council Meeting (CM) consists of two parts:
- The General Assembly, where everyone is updated on what is going on in ESTIEM, and decisions are made through voting.
- The Working Groups, where smaller groups either work to develop ESTIEM, or Training sessions take place.
Apart from this, and perhaps even more important, the Council Meeting gathers more than 250 students from all over Europe. In addition, to that come numerous alumni. This makes it the biggest event within ESTIEM, and many would say the best. It will be a lot of work, a lot of fun, and not much sleep. See you there!

The aim of Vision is to give IEM students practical insights in current and future topics and trends from areas between Economy, Society and Technology while bridging the gap between academic and corpo- rate environment.
Established in 1993, Vision is one of the oldest and most prestigious projects in ESTIEM. Since its restructurization at the LVI Council Meeting Karlsruhe 2018, every Vision event is built upon two core elements:

But how does the concept look like?
Every Local Group can apply for organizing a Vision event (by getting in contact with leader. One of the big innovations since CM Karlsruhe 2018 is that there is no yearly topic anymore. Every Local Group can apply for that kind of Vision event that fits best to its company contacts, sponsors and industries. Therefore, Local Groups have the freedom to show ESTIEM their individual industry and specialities of their town or country.
The topic of an event has to lay in one of those three fields: Technology, Society or Economics. Of course it is also possible to have topics that combine two or even three fields. „Technologies behind modern aircraft engines“ might be in the area of Technology, but „Aircraft Industry and its impact in environment, society and economics.“ is a topic that touches all three fields.
Interesting topics may also lay in the connection between Society and Econo- mics. A possible topic could be “The world of Likes: From Instagram to Air- port Toilets – How constant feedback influences our world.”

Europe3D events offer the participants the chance to experience European countries in 3 different dimensions: politics, economy and culture.
Europe3D is a seminar series where the participants get a deep insight about the hosting country in three unique dimensions: politics, economy and culture. An environment with a blend of different cultures helps the participants to get a better understanding of basic local parameters existing in the European countries. Lectures given by experts in politics, and economy; combined with trainings about intercultural awareness, provide participants a theoretical insight. With a high level of interactive participation, it is a unique opportunity to start changing your world.
Europe3D events are open for all students from any field of study in any university all over the world.

TIMES - Tournament In Management and Engineering Skills
The Tournament In Management and Engineering Skills (TIMES) is the largest pan-European case study competition for Industrial Engineering and Management students. This prestigious, highly acclaimed event has successfully been organised since 1994 and attracts over 350 top teams each year.
Two qualification rounds are required to be selected for the TIMES Final, which takes place in an annually changing venue in Europe. Before reaching this final stage, all the participants take part in a Local Qualification at their home university. The winning team is then allowed to participate in one of the eight Semi Finals, which are organised throughout Europe. The final week eventually brings together the winning teams from each Semi Final to determine Europe’s “IEM Students of the Year”.

BrainTrainer is a training-based project that aims to provide high quality, interactive and multicultural learning experiences. While working on soft and business skills such as communication, presentation, negotiation and team-management, participants are also able to enjoy the experience-sharing, fun, and team spirit inherent to every ESTIEM project.
BrainTrainer events include numerous trainings – in which the learning by doing principle takes a major role – spread throughout a week, interlocking with other cultural and team-building activities. Enabling contact with professional trainers, trainers from other NGOs and experienced alumni, and thus providing greater insight into each participant’s career, BrainTrainer prepares IEM students for their professional lives, it focuses on their self-development.

Summer Academy
The ESTIEM Summer Academy aims to bring a group of 10-15 international students together during summer holidays to engage in open discussion, group work, debate and private study under a senior Academic Leader. During a period of one to two weeks, the students deepen their knowledge about Leadership skills while receiving education in relevant topics for Industrial Engineering. One of the most unique characteristics of Summer Academy events are the tight bonds formed between the participants, due to the environment of sharing and deep, focused learning.
Through the Summer Academy project, ESTIEM recognises the importance of and takes responsibility for providing knowledge of ethics and sound practices among future leaders of society.


Academic Days
Academic Days events are known to be very focused on a specific academic topic, in which students can gain deep knowledge within 5 working days of event. While working hard during the daytime, in the evenings participants have time to reflect and share insights they gained with each other. The leisure part of every event always consists of teambuilding and various cultural activities, which bring warm family feeling to the group and enhances the learning process.
The goal of Academic Days is to share ESTIEM universities knowledge with the network. It supports the personal and professional development of students across Europe willing to complete their curriculum. In order to achieve this, two events per year are organised and each of them provides participants deep insights into a specific topic in which the organising Local Group’s university has a high expertise.

businessbooster is an ESTIEM Project that promotes and stimulates entrepreneurship among students. It is achieved by organizing different training, educational and networking events and competitions. The goal of businessbooster is to help young ESTIEM entrepreneurs to start-up better, faster and with more confidence.

ESTIEM Magazine
The ESTIEM Magazine is the official publication of ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management) which is published twice a year and distributed at Council Meetings. The run of 3 000 magazines reaches more than 10 000 readers from 80 universities in 31 European country. The ESTIEM Magazine aims to provide an insight in the world of IEM from an academic and professional point of view and engage ESTIEMers in the network.
ESTIEM Magazine’s structure is based on five pillars: Focus Topic, Scene, Career, Inside ESTIEM and Explore Europe.
Focus Topic: insights on a specific IEM topic from professors and professionals, with an academic and professional point of view
- Scene: different articles about IEM trends apart from Focus Topic
- Career: experiences and advices of IEMers, Alumni and companies
- Inside ESTIEM: ESTIEM news and developments
- Explore Europe: exchange experiences of IEM students in different countries

ESTIEM Magazine consists of 3 main Task Groups:
The Article Acquisition Task Group is in charge of choosing articles and interviews which will be published in the next Magazine issue, researching and getting in touch with our partners, alumni, professors and other possible authors and keeping a constant communication with authors to ensure the quality of the articles.
The Design Task Group is in charge of increasing the readability of ESTIEM Magazine by updating templates, customising articles, designing graphs, diagrams and infographics, and adding pictures that support the article.
The Proofreading Task Group is in charge of reviewing the articles to ensure that they reflect the right information, written in a correct English and follow the editorial line of the ESTIEM Magazine.
Language Programme
Language Programme has risen up as an initiative to help improve the verbal communication among ESTIEMers – but after years of constant development – it became an ESTIEM Project. Focused on different languages shared in the community, Language Programme stands with its foundation, clearly established on the multiculturalism, diversity and differences presented in the network. It uses them as an advantage to facilitate ESTIEMers learning the basics of a new language, or to further develop their knowledge on an already known one. The Language Programme allows everyone to fully improve their language skills, by attending short lessons available on certain events, for a brief overview of simple sentences and basics of the local language, or by participating in future intensive language courses, focused on one language for a proper learning process.

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